A New Market? How About Your Ex-Customers?

Most companies are constantly seeking new market segments as potential customers for their products or services. Rarely, however, do they consider one that can be surprisingly cost-effective: the people who stopped doing business with you.... Read More

Strengthen Your Nonprofit With Partnerships and Collaboration

Nonprofits, by their very definition, work to improve quality of life for others either in their own community or at a state, national, or even international level. This dedication to the greater good and the advancement of public interest is no small task, especially for organizations that are often short staffed with employees who find themselves wearing multiple hats each and every day.... Read More

Healthcare Trends: What’s Happening in 2022?

In recent years, there have been several ways in which healthcare providers have sought to integrate the latest technology into patient care. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen many of these trends escalate and many will continue to impact the healthcare industry.... Read More

Why Do Bankers Need to Know That?

You’ve probably heard the old saying that the only way a bank will lend money is if you can prove you don’t really need it. The business loan underwriting process can seem frustrating, but there’s good reason behind it and ways you can help it move more quickly.... Read More

Why is Gas so Expensive?!

We have all experienced that dreadful feeling watching the digital price meter at the pump going higher by the second.  Why is gas suddenly so expensive?  How does the price increase Hoosiers are experiencing compare to other states?... Read More

6 Tax Strategies from a Reformed CPA, Now Business Owner

For many business owners, tax time equals stress. It’s not only added work in the first quarter but also added anxiety wondering whether cash will be due to the federal government on April 15. Here are six tax strategies to think about this year that could reduce future tax payments for any business owner.... Read More

Preparing Your Business for Change in 2022

2022 is already keeping its promise to be another year of high change. As businesses nationwide grapple with the fallout of The Great Resignation, new COVID variants, ever-changing technology and the growing expectations of the workforce, some will rise to the challenge and others won’t. ... Read More

Grow Your Business: Improve Your Decision Making

d a particular approach when faced with making a quick decision. He called it the 40/70 rule. He would strive to not make a decision with less than 40% of the information needed, then ultimately make the decision when he had at most, 70% of the information.... Read More

Physicians, Patients and the Healthcare System: We’re All in This Together

Patient dissatisfaction with the healthcare system has increased steadily since 2015. According to data from the Gallup organization, 49% of U.S. adults reported that they were dissatisfied with the quality of medical care in the nation. Contributing factors can include long wait times, negative staff or doctor interaction and poor telephone communication regarding appointment details and test results. ... Read More

Addressing the Costs of Indiana’s Pre-Existing Health Crisis: Opioid Abuse

As Indiana lawmakers negotiate an end to the COVID public health emergency, we’ve lost ground in the fight against opioid abuse – a pre-existing condition that’s been resurgent in the shadow of the pandemic. After falling in 2018 and 2019, Indiana’s overdose deaths soared 58% through 2021. But the financial and human costs of opioids have accumulated across two decades.... Read More

‘Heart’ Your Heart This February During American Heart Month

While February is a month to celebrate love, it is also a time to bring awareness to the heart in your body. This month marks American Heart Month, a time when all people can focus on cardiovascular health. With the ongoing pandemic and continuing effects of COVID-19, it is even more important now to be proactive with your heart health and to show your heart some love.... Read More

Whoa! Do I have enough Life Insurance?

If you have a partner/spouse, child, or elderly parent dependent on your income, you have a need for life insurance.  The question: “Am I keeping up with the need?”  If you are not checking your need versus your coverage on a regular basis, you may be putting your loved ones in a precarious situation. ... Read More

HR 101 in 2022: Periodically Reviewing Employee Handbooks to Avoid Traps

Drafting or reviewing employee handbooks often becomes a back-burner project. Even businesses that take the time to create a really good one often treat them as “out-of-sight, out-of-mind.” Copies (or links) may be handed out at orientation, but management typically doesn’t give much thought to handbook contents on a day-to-day basis. That is, until it gets implicated in a legal claim. ... Read More

Why Isn’t Your Team Functioning as One?

We love to talk about our teams, and I’m not referencing the Colts and Pacers despite lessons to be learned from them.  I’m talking about our project teams, work teams, fundraising teams, sales teams, and special event teams.  Despite our packaging of the “teams” analogy, the irony is they are often not functioning as the name implies.  So how do we bridge that gap and bring the team together?... Read More