Reflecting on 10 years: Relationships matter

This month marks ten years that I have been leading the Stanley K. Lacy Executive Leadership Series. Like most anniversaries with nice round numbers, it has caused me to pause and reflect. There are so many incredible leaders doing critical work across Indiana, and I have been privileged to have a front row seat to witness the impact of many of them. If I had to sum up my observations from the past decade in a few words, it would be this: relationships matter.... Read More

Are we still committed to the common good?

Hoosier hospitality is at the heart of our state’s identity. It’s that particular brand of helpfulness that makes Indiana unique. Indy, where our organization is based, has a rich history of civic engagement and investment in the common good. We pride ourselves on the ability to bring volunteers together to make big things happen, not just for the benefit of a few but for the good of many.... Read More

Leadership at its best   

Who do you think of as a leader? Often in our society, business executives, government officials, and coaches are called leaders. And they can be. In Central Indiana, there are great examples of leaders in all of those spaces. But visibility, status, and title alone are not what makes someone a leader. ... Read More