Table those capital gains: 1031 exchanges

Section 1031 of the IRS tax code allows an investor to defer the gains on a potential real estate sale if they purchase a property of similar nature and meet certain requirements as well as time constraints. How does this all work?... Read More

Estimated tax payments

Planning for taxes never ceases. Whether you are a business owner, independent contractor, or a company employee, tax planning is a year-round endeavor. One component of that planning is estimated tax payments. But who needs to pay them? How much needs to be paid? And, when are they due? ... Read More

Protect your estate from taxes

Death and taxes are two of life's unavoidable certainties! Though often viewed through separate lenses, in the financial world, the two are often intertwined. When an individual passes away, their estate could be faced with the prospects of estate taxes, which can be as high as 40%! ... Read More

Business entities: Choosing the appropriate structure

Starting your own business isn’t for the faint of heart. One item that causes much consternation is how to structure your new business from a legal and tax standpoint. Here are some of the more common business entity types and the benefits and downsides of each. ... Read More

Inheritors of IRAs – Proposed Changes

In one of his fables, Aesop’s coined the phrase “leave well enough alone.” Though his commentary and usage of the phrase centered around a fox and a hedgehog, the expression is well-suited for the new proposed changes to the SECURE Act that will impact distributions to IRA inheritors. ... Read More

How to Calculate Medicare Premiums

As you hit the retirement milestone, one of the items you'll likely need to address is enrolling in Medicare.  Medicare has many complexities and the calculation of premiums that you will pay is one o... Read More

2021 Tax Outlook: Proposals & Planning

“Uncertainty is the only certainty there is.” It is doubtful that John Allen Paulos was pondering taxation and financial planning when he made this claim, but the sentiment applies. We are in the midst of a presidential transition, often accompanied by change across many spectrums. Political campaigns are riddled with promises and assurances, yet what […]... Read More