Bridging health care and financial health

While regular check-ups, screenings and preventative care measures are essential for maintaining good physical health, they can often be out of reach for people facing financial difficulties. When funds are scarce, the most immediate needs—food and housing—usually take priority and, unless the situation is dire, health care can get pushed to the back burner. ... Read More

A healthier heartland

Indiana's mix of urban and rural communities provides a good opportunity to understand how interconnected our state’s health care landscape really is. No community is an island, and the ups and downs of one have more of an impact elsewhere than we may initially think. Accordingly, working collaboratively to promote preventative care and increase access in one area can help create healthier communities everywhere.... Read More

A mission for maternal well-being in Indiana

Maternal health serves as a cornerstone of public health, reflecting not only the well-being of individual mothers and their babies, but the health and strength of Hoosier communities as a whole. According to the Indiana University Public Policy Institute’s Center for Research on Inclusion and Social Policy, Indiana has the third highest maternal mortality rate among all reporting states.... Read More

Why breastfeed? The benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and child

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently updated their guidelines around breastfeeding, now supporting continued breastfeeding until two years or beyond, as mutually desired by the mother and child. Breast milk is and always has been the most optimal source of nutrition for a growing baby, and if breastfeeding is an option for the mother, that is the top recommended practice for giving babies the nutrients they need.... Read More