Business growth: Explaining what you do

“We network networks.” In a bold stroke of bravado, Cisco Systems co-founder Sandy Lerner gave what is now known to be one of the most specific descriptions of her company that has ever been recorded. The statement, consisting of only three words, described EXACTLY what Cisco did as a company. And the rest is history.... Read More

Business growth: With curiosity

It has been said many times and in many ways, but most often it is summarized in seven words “We have always done it that way”. That phrase has been dubbed as the seven words most fatal to a business.... Read More

Grow your business: With the right sales people

Best selling author Harvey Mackay asked a successful salesperson friend of his how many calls he made on a prospective customer before he gave up. His friend told him, “It depends on which of us dies first.” While selling is truly an art, there are some guidelines that can help you and your company improve the top line.... Read More

Business growth: Lead with questions, then listen

Purdue University basketball legend John Wooden asked the following question: “Why is it so difficult to realize that others are more likely to listen to us if first we listen to them?” His reputation as a leader, both on and off the basketball court, has withstood the test of time. Maybe that is why Sports Illustrated chose him as the greatest coach of the twentieth century.... Read More

Business growth: Marketing in a recession

In early October, The Conference Board indicated there is a ninety-six percent chance the United States will experience a recession within the next twelve months. By taking the proper approach, your business can strive to thrive during and after any recession.... Read More

Grow your business: Maximize the work week

The hybrid work week is here to stay. In the largest study to date, Harvard Business School researchers concluded that the post-COVID hybrid work week is not only here to stay, it might indeed be an optimal solution for the employer and the employee.... Read More

Grow your business with trust and empathy

Bill was a mentor to some of the richest, brightest, and youngest leaders in Silicon Valley. He spent decades working with names like Steve Jobs of Apple, Eric Schmidt of Google, and Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook.... Read More